- 65 years old or older,
- Australia citizen or permanent resident,
- needs help with many everyday tasks at home, or has more complex or intensive care needs due to old age and medical conditions.
- 65 years old or older,
- Australia citizen or permanent resident,
- needs help with many everyday tasks at home, or has more complex or intensive care needs due to old age and medical conditions.
Contact My Aged Care (MAC) 1800 200 422 to discuss your current situation and find out more about the HCP program. If you need low-level support to stay independent in your home, the contact centre may recommend a home support assessment with a RAS assessor. Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) provide the low-level type of support. However, if you have care needs that are greater than what the CHSP can support, a comprehensive assessment with an ACAT assessor may be recommended.
Call us on 03 8820 0000 for information and assistance.
My Aged Care Assessments Team (ACAT) will contact you to arrange a time to visit. Assessments are done in person, at your own home. You don’t need to go anywhere. The ACAT assessor will have a copy of the information you gave to the My Aged Care. This gives them an idea of what support you might need to help you return to, or keep the level of independence needed to manage your day-to-day life at home.
After assessment, you will be sent a letter which contains the assessment decision - confirming whether you are eligible for a Home Care Package (HCP); the level of package you have been approved for, if eligible; the reasons and evidence supporting the decision; and a copy of your support plan developed during your assessment.
Once you are approved for a package, there may be a wait before one can be assigned to you depends on the national priority system. There are actions you can do while waiting so that you are ready to set up your care services when a package becomes available.
When you receive this first letter advising you to get ready, talk to us on 03 8820 0000.
You will then receive a 2nd letter with a referral code confirming you have been assigned a package. Contact us on 03 8820 0000 to kick start your Home Care Package.
You have 56 days from the date of your letter to enter into a Home Care Agreement with a relaible and quality approved home care provider, like us. If that doesn’t happen during this period, the package will expire. It will then be allocated to the next person on the national priority system.
Call us now on 03 8820 0000. We are here for you!
Once you have chosen your preferred provider, if you have chosen us - Active Community Group, a member of our Care Team will personally visit and offer you a Home Care Agreement, then discuss & design your personalised care plan and budget plan together with you and your family / carer at your own home, before you begin to receive services and support at home.